Plan, Do, Check, Act


The “Plan, Do, Check, Act” (PDCA) model can be a useful way for strata councils and section executive to approach maintenance, repairs and renewal work. The PDCA model is also known as the Deming model or the Deming wheel.

Planning: the strata council knows who is responsible for what maintenance and renewal work (strata corporation, sections, types, strata lot owners), prioritizes the work, assigns responsibilities for getting the work done, budgets, and communicates with owners.

Doing: the strata corporation approves funding and the strata council hires contractors and ensures the work is done.

Checking: the strata council ensures that the condition of common property and assets is checked, and maintenance and renewal work is inspected.

Acting: the strata council acts to revise plans and budgets, update documents, communicate with owners and continue repair, maintenance and renewal work.

The depreciation report, a maintenance manual and other documentation are very helpful tools for the strata council in planning repair, maintenance and renewal work.